News Archive

It's Chattergeist's Birthday! - 19/05/2024

Chattergeist Birthday

Hey everyone! Can you believe it's already been a year since we launched Chattergeist?! Time flies when you're hunting ghosts, pushing boundaries and exploring the paranormal! We've had an amazing journey together, and we're so excited to share all the cool stuff we've added over the past year in a nice list!

We've been working hard to make Chattergeist even better for you over the last year, in terms of our customer support, regular updates as well as all the development that is going on behind the scenes with our extentions! We have been busy adding all sorts of new features and tweaks to make your paranormal investigations more fun and effective. Thanks to your feedback, support and love, we've been able to make Chattergeist better and better in this last year.

Just SOME of what we have done in the last year for FREE to Chattergeist:

  • 6 Dictionaries (Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, Latin, 1800s, Portuguese)
  • 4 Modes (Letter, Emoji, Animated Canvas & Planchette)
  • Moon Phase Integration
  • Canvas Mode Focusing
  • Universe Numbers
  • Word Definition QR Codes
  • Extended 8Ball Answers
  • Increased Canvas Colours By 58
  • Extended History Functionality
  • One Click Update Capability
  • Extended Web Toolkit Tools
  • Bluetooth Web App
  • Remote Control
  • Better icons & images
  • Investigation Timer
  • Device Nick Names
  • An Easter Egg
  • Evidence Logging & Journal
  • Screen Dimming
  • Troubleshooting Guides
  • Meticulously coded Over 20,000 Lines Of Code
  • TONS Of Optimisation
  • Plus loads more background things we could mention but this would be super long...

As we celebrate Chattergeist's first birthday, we just want to say a HUGE thank you to our amazing family of Chattergeist investigators. Your support means the world to us. We cannot state that enough. Here's to another year of spoopy adventures and uncovering the unknown together!

~ The Dimension Devices Team

Firmware v1.40 Released! - 19/05/2024

Chattergeist Touch Firmware v1.40

Chattergeist Touch Firmware v1.40 has been released, complete with some lovely new features including an Animated Canvas Mode and increased Canvas Mode colour support!

v1.40 Changelog:

  • Added animated canvas functionality:
    Experience an upgraded canvas mode! In "prompt mode," the canvas operates as usual, generating one image and awaiting your input. Switch to "continuous mode" to ANIMATE the canvas, just like the image on this post! For detailed information, please refer to Section 4.5: Canvas Mode in the user manual, available on the Toolkit page.
  • Added another 30 colours to the canvas mode:
    We've increased the color count in canvas mode from 37 to 67. This enhancement boosts variable entropy in canvas drawing mode and provides a richer palette to work with. Rest assured, the underlying algorithm remains unchanged.
  • Added "Dimension Integer Generation Algorithm (DIGA)" to generate a stable universe number:
    Now, at the bottom of the options screen, you'll find a "Universe Number" such as #33255. This number is UNIQUE to your device. If it ever changes, it may indicate a shift in reality or a change in the universe. Please report any changes to us immediately so we can investigate. This could be crucial!
  • Bluetooth Firmware Number Support:
    This feature allows the BLE Tool to verify the device firmware and prevent errors.
  • Added a colour spectrum to the planchette mode:
    We've broadened the color selection in Planchette Mode from just red and green to a full spectrum, including yellow, blue, green, and red. Enjoy a more vibrant and diverse visual experience!
  • Canvas Memory Reduction:
    We've reduced the memory footprint of the canvas drawing mode without affecting its performance. Enjoy the same great functionality with improved efficiency!
  • Increased CPU performance:
    We've boosted the CPU speed from 100MHz to the maximum 160MHz to significantly enhance performance, especially in canvas mode. The impact on battery usage is negligible at best.
  • Added better anti-aliasing support:
    Text now displays more smoothly with better anti-aliasing support, eliminating cut-off parts of larger letters for a nicer presentation.
  • Memory allocation rehaul for stability:
    We have completely refactored the memory allocation of variables to further improve the memory footprint.
  • Made Easter Egg easier to find!
    "A pattern of blocks conceals the key,
    Three knocks upon it will set it free.
    A symbol of choice, once ordinary,
    Transforms to a visage quite contrary."
  • BLE Tool Upgraded to v0.7:
    As the device now outputs the current firmware version, the BLE Tool now checks you have the correct version installed to your device before attempting to use the BLE Tool. This does mean that your device will need to be up-to-date in order to use the BLE Tool. But believe us, it will make a difference!

As usual, the Chattergeist Touch User Manual has also had an update to bring it up to v1.40 as well (which can be found in the Toolkit area of the website).

Thanks for your continued support! We love you guys!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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New Affiliates Program Update & Openings! - 24/04/2024

Dimension Devices Affiliate Program We are pleased to announce the latest updates to our Affiliates Program, enhancing the opportunities for both affiliates and customers alike.

Key enhancements include:
  • Discount Offer:
    Customers who place orders through an Affiliate link will now receive a 10% discount on their purchase.
  • Enhanced Affiliates Dashboard:
    Official affiliates now have access to a revamped login area featuring comprehensive statistics, essential information, and branding resources. As well as badges given as progress is made on their affiliate journey!
  • Affiliate Enrollment:
    Exciting opportunities await new affiliates! Apply today to join our affiliate family and start earning with us!

For those seeking information on our most recent firmware release, please refer to the news article conveniently located below this update.

We love that we can offer this kind of deal to support our customers AND our affiliates better! Thanks for your continued support; one and all!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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BLE Web App & Firmware v1.35 Released! - 11/03/2024

Chattergeist Touch Update v1.35 Released Another update?! Surely that can't be right?! It definitely is...!

We've really pushed hard on this update, while this may only be a "minor" update number (v1.35) for Chattergeist Touch, don't be fooled. There's a lot of changes in this update! Check out the list below. The full list including optimisations and bug fixes can be found in the file repository.

Firmware v1.35 Changelog:
  • New Planchette operating mode (see image).
  • You can now assign a 12 character device name (which is set by the BLE Tool).
  • Devices display as "Chattergeist: DEVICE_NAME" when a device name is set.
  • Your assigned device name appears on the intro screen of your device.
  • Overhaul of graphics and images, new Chattergeist Touch logo as well as new background imagery and calibration screen.
  • Lots of code and graphics optimisation.

BLE Tool v0.50 Changelog:
  • Added "Cancel Scan" link.
  • Added device naming functionality.
  • You no longer need to verify device to access the BLE Tool.
  • Added better error handling to report to the user what is wrong.

Head over to the Your Device section and update now to get all the benefits this update offers!

Enjoy the update and please remember to SHARE results on your investigations on social media using #chattergeist as a hashtag!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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BLE Web App & Firmware v1.31 Released! - 19/02/2024

Chattergeist Touch Update v1.31 Released Hey there!

We've been busy bees working on our release of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Web App which allows you to connect to Chattergeist Touch from any Bluetooth enabled device with a browser (such as your phone, tablet, laptop or computer)! Head over to the Your Device page to get access to the latest firmware update to your Chattergeist Touch and get access to the BLE Tool!

Details of how to use the tool are inside the Web App itself (linked to from the Your Device area of the website).

v1.31 Changelog:
  • Added routines for BLE Web Tool remote control and reading.
  • Firmware released before v1.31 will only be able to READ from Dictionary mode. The v1.31 and later firmware updates for Chattergeist Touch allows reading from four different modes AND remote control to a certain extent.
We hope you enjoy the new Bluetooth capabilities of the Chattergeist Touch, it's only going to get BETTER as well!!

We have also included the start of personalisation here, inside the Your Device area of the website, you can also assign a nickname for your device. More on this to come! Imagine assigning room names to your devices and then Bluetoothing to each of them to get results all in one place!!

Thanks for your continued support! We love you guys!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Firmware v1.30 Released! - 16/01/2024

Chattergeist Touch Update v1.30 Released Well, hello there! After much reworking and careful development, firmware update v1.30 has been released! Head over to the Your Device page to get access to the latest updates to Chattergeist Touch!

v1.30 Changelog:
  • Added moon phase integration:
    Swipe left on the main menu to get to the extension modes and tap the moon phase icon. Check the v1.30 manual!
  • Added word history delete confirmation:
    No more accidental deletions of the word history, this screen will ask you to confirm.
  • How long have you been investigating:
    Added "Investigation Timer" at the bottom of the options screen to check how long the device has been on for.
  • Word load performance:
    Increased performance when loading words from dictionary.
  • Added Bluetooth app support:
    Added support ready for the release of the Official Chattergeist Touch Bluetooth app.
  • Changed CPU speed for performance reasons:
    Changed Chattergeist Touch CPU speed to 80MHz from 100MHz to improve battery performance. No noticeable performance impact.
  • Changed transition of the canvas drawing mode:
    Changed canvas transition to FADE instead of SLIDE to increase rendering time.
  • Canvas Drawing Mode algorithm optimisation:
    Optimised canvas mode algorithm to speed up image rendering.
  • Screen brightness fix:
    When waking from sleep, screen no longer goes to full brightness.
  • Emoji expansion and size adjustment:
    Added a couple more emojis & reduce image size for emojis to save space.
  • Word clipping and incomplete words fix:
    Fixed the clipping of titles in options and word modes (i.e. increased word heights).
  • Better update file naming:
    Changed update bootloader ZIP file to individual .BIN files on the website to avoid confusion.

As usual, the Chattergeist Touch User Manual has also had an update to bring it up to v1.30 as well. Any of these updates that affect user experience in any way have been documented in the updated User Manual (available on the Devices page and also in the File Repository).

Thanks for your continued support! We love you guys!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Did you have a good spoopy season? We did! - 06/11/2023

Chattergeist Touch Instagram Followers Well well well, hasn't it been some time since we last spoke? How was your spooky season? Let us entertain you with updates and news about ours!

Extension Progress: Wrist Battery Pack
Firstly, I'm sure 99% of you are all patiently waiting for progress on our extensions and plugin expansions. We've been going through our Chattergeist Touch knowledge and doing vast amounts of R&D to get to where we are at right now. The wrist battery pack is currently going through a re-design as there is some compatibility issues surrounding the battery configuration and the Chattergeist Touch itself. We've decided it's better for all if we spend the time required in order to release a product you'll all be happy with and not something shoddy and that will not last.

Extension Progress: Chattergeist Probe
In other news, we're also in the final phases of the design phase for the "Chattergeist Probe". Essentially what this is a small plugin around 2.5cm across that adorns the 4-pin plugin port and extends into two metal connectors. When pressed against a surface or object (I.e. the wall of the house you are investigating), you can calibrate the Chattergeist Touch's sensor readings to that object. Based upon Masaru Emoto's theory of water retaining memory, this extension reads sensor data directly from physical objects it makes contact with, allowing you to customise your results based upon the location you are investigating! Remember, mortar, brick and stone all retain water, thus may also retain memory and intent throughout history!

Firmware v1.30 Progress
We've also been hard at work with the new firmware release, this has a new operating mode (currently a secret) as well as a new calibration function based upon the current moon phase. This is optional but a totally awesome feature to have, much thanks to Mike Roberts (Anomaly TV Series) on Twitter for this idea! More optimisations for performance have already been put in place AND the start of the personalisation options has begun! This is going to be a juicy update!

Affiliates Program Launch
Wow, our Affiliates Program was popular! We're very sorry to those who we were unable to place in our Affiliates Program right now. We hope to extend this in the future. But for now, our program is closed. For those who have become affiliates, we thank you for your help in getting the word out there and we wish you the best of luck!

Our First Discount Sale
We launched and completed our first discounted sale of Chattergeist Touch to a great success, thanks to everyone to managed to snag one during the sale and thanks to everyone still supporting us by getting a Chattergeist Touch after the sale! More to come, watch this space!

Website Updates
Some of the keen eyed of you will have noticed our website going through update phases to flesh out some of the user-interactive parts as well as adding a bit of polish here and there. New and changed features are as below:
  • Complete rework of the Your Device section, including better labelled links and a more pleasant feel.
  • Completed reworked the Troubleshooting page to make finding your issue much easier.
  • New product "Probe" on the Shop Page.
  • Mobile sizing fixes to ensure those on mobile are not having too bad of a time.
  • New Friends page design, with categories! Contact Us to get your name on our friends page!
  • New Press page to put links for unboxing videos, reviews, tutorials, results and anything related to Dimension Devices and Chattergeist Touch.
  • Streamlined the Devices page to make reading it a little easier.
  • Behind the scenes backend work on a coupon system for the Shop.
  • A cool little easter egg for the website coming soon.

1,000+ Followers On Instagram
Just a quick shout out to ALL our followers on Instagram for helping us get this far! <3

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Introducing the Chattergeist Touch Affiliates Program! - 21/09/2023

Chattergeist Touch Affiliates Program Your Chance to Earn While Spreading the Word!
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our Affiliates Program today! This is your opportunity to not only promote the incredible Chattergeist Touch but also earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.

Affiliate Registration Process
1) Visit our dedicated affiliate registration page or click "Affiliates" in the navigation menu.
2) Complete the required fields with your name, email, and a brief message about you.
3) Our team will promptly review your registration and reach out to you.

That's it! Once you become an approved affiliate, you'll gain access to our exclusive affiliates member area on our website. Here, you'll receive your unique affiliate link and start earning a generous 10% commission on every successful Chattergeist Touch sale generated through the link. You can also easily track your monthly sales and earnings - it's that simple!

E.g. For 13 devices sold, you would earn yourself a cool ยฃ195!

But act fast - our Affiliates Program has limited openings available. Don't miss out on this opportunity to help us reach more people with Chattergeist Touch devices while earning money in the process. We distribute earnings on the final day of each month. You also have the freedom to cancel your affiliate registration at any time.

We're excited about the future and grateful for your support. This Affiliates Program is our way of giving back to our dedicated supporters. Join us today, be part of our journey to expand the reach of Chattergeist Touch, and seize this unique opportunity to earn with us!

Become An Affiliate!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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We've been quiet, what have we been doing?! - 28/08/2023

Chattergeist Touch Emoji Mode Hey you beautiful souls! Time for a news article!

Chattergeist Touch Firmware v1.30 Progress Report
Our team is hard at work on Chattergeist Touch Firmware v1.30, packed with performance enhancements and optimizations. What's even more thrilling? This firmware release is all about personalization! Imagine having the freedom to choose colors, device names, and a range of other delightful features, making your Chattergeist Touch truly one-of-a-kind.

Advancements in Extensions, Plugins, and Mods
Progress continues on our Wrist Mounted Battery Pack extension. We've undertaken a minor redesign to ensure a snug fit for your Chattergeist Touch while maintaining easy detachment. Rigorous battery tests are underway to guarantee that the 1100mAh battery provides ample power for overnight investigations. While we're slightly behind schedule, our focus remains on delivering a superior product, prioritizing quality over rushing to release.

That's not all! Our team is also diving headfirst into the continued development of two new extensions. First, a 24GHz doppler radar, and second, a tabletop mount accompanied by a larger battery. Stay tuned for more details on these upcoming additions!

Enhanced Availability and Outreach
We're thrilled to announce increased stock levels, ensuring a plentiful supply of devices ready for distribution. In other news, CharmCityParanormal represented Chattergeist Touch at ISSCon, and Brie Hollingshead gave us some heartwarming shoutouts during her engaging live streams on Facebook. Moreover, we've begun sending promotional devices to exclusive groups worldwide, aiming to build excitement around Chattergeist Touch. Special thanks to SpiritStalkers in the US and Ghost Network in Iceland!

Sneak Peek: Limited Editions
Behind the scenes, we've been as busy as beavers, working on captivating limited edition Chattergeist Touch devices. Keep your eyes wide open for these upcoming releases!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Firmwave v1.20 Released! - 13/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Emoji Mode Firstly, let us apologise for the awful newsletter formatting on our Firmware v1.20 release email. Something went wrong with the email template during compilation of the email and we noticed just as it was being sent out. Sorry if it is hard to read. All the same information is written below... Right, onto the news...!

Finally after much fixing and optimisation, Chattergeist Touch Firmware release v1.20 is live! Following extensive enhancements and refinements. While all updates for Chattergeist Touch remain optional, we strongly recommend upgrading to v1.20. Experience the benefits of minor bug fixes, boosted performance, and streamlined memory usage.

v1.20 Changelog:
  • Explore the New "Emoji Mode": Witness a range of expressions through four distinct faces, responding to fluctuations in device readings.
  • Change Screen Brightness: Enhance your viewing experience by adjusting screen brightness in the options menu, reducing eye strain in low-light conditions.
  • Enriched Language Support: Now introducing the Swedish dictionary, expanding linguistic capabilities.
  • Enhanced Word History: Ouija Mode outputs are seamlessly integrated into Word History, offering a comprehensive experience.
  • Diverse Color Palette: Elevate creativity with the inclusion of 21 new colors in Canvas Drawing Mode.
  • Streamlined User Experience: The obsolete "Extension" button in options is no more; it's now conveniently enabled by default.
  • Refined Functionality: Resolved an issue that occasionally hindered QR code closure in Dictionary Mode. You can now tap the QR code to conceal it effortlessly (Thanks for bringing this to our attention Travis!).
  • Optimal Visuals: Rectified image blurring/refinement concerns under Continuous Mode for Canvas Drawing (Thanks for letting us know Shaun!).
  • Performance and Memory Boost: Benefit from optimized image rendering, dictionary access, and memory utilization.
  • Comprehensive Dictionary Revamp: All dictionaries have been recompiled and fine-tuned for optimal memory efficiency.
  • And some things that I'm sure we have forgotten...!

All of these amends that affect user experience in any way have been documented in the updated User Manual on the Devices page and also in the File Repository.

YouTube Guide Videos:
We also released a set of guide videos for each of the main function modes on Chattergeist Touch on our YouTube channel. There will be many more to come, currently these videos do not include the "Onvoy Letter Mode" or the new "Emoji Mode". But check back soon and they will be added!

Aside from this, we're happy to offer you two captivating desktop and mobile wallpapers designed by our in-house designer! Access them through the official file repository upon verifying your official device and clicking the update tool.

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!! As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Wrist Battery Pack and Firmware v1.20! - 10/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Wrist Pack Preview Hello there, lovely folks! We're still ruffling feathers and shaking up the paranormal investigation world... It's time for a little catch-up session!

Firmware v1.20
Guess what's cooking? We're gearing up to launch Firmware v1.20 for the Chattergeist Touch! This upcoming update is packed with all sorts of enhancements: improved performance, a bunch of nifty tweaks, new functions, and even a new operating mode! To make sure you're in the loop, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter. Once this update hits the scene, you'll want to be the first to know so you can get it up and running on your device. Plus, here's a little insider tip: if you snag a Chattergeist Touch after Firmware v1.20 is live, it'll come preloaded with this snazzy new version!

Wrist Mounted Battery Pack
Check out the sneak peek on the right! Feast your eyes on an early prototype of the wrist-mounted battery pack specially designed for the Chattergeist Touch. We're thrilled to announce that things are moving full steam ahead with the design and refinement process. There are just a few kinks to work out before we roll it out to the public. But hold tight, because we're almost there! Inside this compact powerhouse, there's a 1100mAh Lithium Ion battery. It cleverly connects to your Chattergeist Touch via the 2-pin port at the bottom, delivering an impressive runtime of around 9 hours on a full charge. The top "wing clips" keep your device secure even during your full-speed arm-waving escapes from things that go bump in the night. Safety first! Plus, recharging is a breeze. Connect your Chattergeist Touch to the wrist battery pack and off you go! How lovely is that?

More Extension News
But wait, there's more! ๐Ÿ˜‚ We're not stopping there. We're knee-deep in testing for some exciting extensions to level up your Chattergeist Touch experience. Here's the scoop on three we're currently laser-focused on:
  • 24Ghz Doppler Radar Extension:
    Imagine being able to "see" through walls and detect both human and paranormal presence up to 8 meters away! Yes, you read that right. This extension is in the early stages, but it's showing great promise.
  • Speech Synthesis Extension:
    Prepare your ears for some beeps, boops, and even spoken word! This extension will bring sound to your Chattergeist Touch in a whole new way.
  • Ultra-Sonic Detector Extension:
    Ever wish your device could sense obstructions and movement in front of it? Well, that's exactly what this extension aims to do. It's early days, but we're making steady progress.
  • WeeGhoul:
    That's all we'll say on this for now ;)

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!!

Psssst... There's still an easter egg no one has found in Firmware v1.10. First person to find it who contacts us gets a little reward!

As always, happy hunting!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Podcasts, Networking, Extentions & Firmware v1.20 Final Testing! - 5/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Extension Previews Wow, we've had a whirlwind of a week here at Dimension Devices! We've been whittling away at a veritable plethora of things and wanted to share some of them with you!

Firmware News
Let's start with the next Firmware version (v1.20). We're almost done with the new software version of Chattergeist Touch! This will encompass another new operating mode (making this SEVEN unique operating modes we have in Chattergeist Touch!). We're currently ironing out the final touches to ensure everything runs smoothly. A couple of small bug fixes as well as a screen dimming slider, which means when you're alone in the dark in a scary place, you will be able to dim the screen from the options menu to make it easier to read, reducing eye strain and increase battery life as a nice side effect! As per all Chattergeist Touch option configurations, this will be saved when you turn the device off! We are including a patch to add Focus Refinement to the Canvas Drawing Mode during Continuous operating usage as well. So no matter if you're in Prompt, Continuous or Single Modes, you will be able to refine the output (as well as whole range of new colours in Canvas Mode to get new and exciting outputs)! Ouija Mode words will now also be added to the Word History to allow ease of recalling the words in case you miss them or leave Chattergeist Touch running while you aren't around! Plus a bunch of other things as well as performance and memory optimisation adjustments!! We're on a roll and we're not going to stop! Rest assured that we'll outline everything in this update in the Firmware v1.20 announcement post (as well as through our subscribers newsletter, so ensure you're subscribed to know when it is released!).

Extension Prototype Work
Next let's move onto the work on our extensions! We are so close to having a working prototype of the wrist mounted battery pack to share with you and we cannot wait! We're sure you'll love it as much as we do! We will be sharing photos as well as how the product works as soon as we have one in our hands! Our designer and supplier have been working closely with each other to ensure the best possible product with the best possible functionality we can create!

Networking & Podcasts
We have been busy networking with various people from TV shows through to magazines and podcasts. Our founder has completed our first Podcast with Shaun from the "Psychics and Sidekicks" Podcast and it couldn't have gone better, where they outline details about Chattergeist Touch, how we started the business and how he got into everything paranormal! We will share this with you as soon as it is live!

All in all it has been a busy busy "all hands on deck" week! And there is much more happening behinds the scenes that we cannot talk about just yet. But rest assured it is exciting!

Send ideas, chat with us and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!!

Psssst... There's still an easter egg no one has found in Firmware v1.10. First person to find it who contacts us gets a little reward!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for even more information!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Firmware Update Progress, Extension Progress and Praise! - 31/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Extension Previews Ah, it's that time again! Time for us to tell you some things that we have been up to!!

Extension Development Progress:
At Dimension Devices, we believe in portability and extendibility. That's why we've been busy bees working on some physical extensions to enhance the Chattergeist Touch. Check out the concept art above/right to get a sneak peek at what we're developing! Up top, you'll see the wrist-mounted battery strap and clip, and below that is the adorable "WeeGhoul" (think Weeble but more spoopy). Please note that these are conceptual designs, and there may be some changes as we refine them. But we wanted to give you a glimpse of our exciting progress! And guess what? We have THREE more extensions in the works besides these two, but we'll keep those under wraps for now...

Firmware v1.20 Progress:
We're thrilled to share the progress on our upcoming firmware patch, version 1.20! Our amazing community member, NetEcho, pointed out a small bug in the Chattergeist Touch word definition QR Code feature, and we want to assure you that we have addressed this. Once v1.20 is released, you can count on the QR Code issue being fixed, along with some fantastic optimizations and another new operating mode. Stay tuned for more details on these exciting enhancements! Additionally, we've been hard at work improving the dictionary read performance and introducing Ouija Mode outputs to the word history.

Update Tool Updates:
We've made significant updates to the functionality of our update tool! To ensure security and authenticity, we've implemented a more in-depth verification process for official devices. Once verified, simply visit the Update Tool page to access the latest features. And here's the best part - you now have the option to update the dictionary only, without having to update the entire firmware every time! We know this is something you've been looking forward to, and we're just as thrilled about this improvement as you are! Enjoy the seamless and hassle-free updates for your Chattergeist Touch. Happy updating!

Giving and Receiving Praise:
We are incredibly grateful for the overwhelming praise and support we've received from our customers and followers. Your positive feedback has been heartwarming and motivating for us. We want to take a moment to express our deep appreciation to each and every one of you. You are the reason we can keep pushing the boundaries of innovation! When we started Dimension Devices, we couldn't have imagined the fantastic response we've received. So, to those who engage with our social media posts and to all the Chattergeist Touch owners out there, we salute you! You are truly awesome, and we want you to know just how much you mean to us. Your support is what drives us to continue developing and improving our products. Thank you for being a part of our journey! Don't ever forget that you are amazing! And as always, keep an eye on our social media channels (links below) for more exciting updates and announcements.

Not got one of our devices yet? Why not check out the shop page and see if it is for you?

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook! Also remember to subscribe to our updates and notifications email list to know when new firmware and products are released!!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
๐Ÿ‘ 9

Firmware v1.10 Released, Affiliates Program and New Dictionary! - 25/07/2023

Firmware v1.10 Release (Letter Mode) Hello everyone! Lots of excellent news in this update of what's happening in Dimension Device's world!

New Firmware v1.10 Release!
We are thrilled to announce the release of Chattergeist Touch Firmware v1.10, full of new features and packed with optimizations & improvements. All newly sold Chattergeist Touch models will come with the v1.10 firmware pre-installed:
  • Explore the New Letter ModeAs shown to the right!
  • Discover the New 8Ball Answers
  • Enhanced 8ball Sensitivity
  • Brand New Ouija Mode Algorithm
  • Benefit from QR Code Generation (see below for more information)
  • Access Word Definitions On-the-Go
  • Try Out the Improved Canvas Mode Focusing Function!
  • Enjoy Better Canvas Mode Performance
  • Enhanced Screen Dimming Support
  • An easter egg!First person to find it gets a gift, contact us!

New Letter Mode and User Manual
You can access the new Letter Mode by enabling "Extensions" in the options then swiping right on the main menu! Remember to check the updated user manual (available on the devices page), for details on new function modes!

How to upgrade your Chattergeist Touch
Upgrading to the latest firmware is an easy process! First make sure you have verified your official device on the verification page then just click on the Updates tab in the main navigation on our website and follow the provided instructions. For those who prefer a video, head over to our YouTube Channel for a brief video! If you encounter any issues during the process, don't hesitate to contact our support team for assistance through the contact page.

Explore the New 1800s Dictionary
We are proud to launch our brand new 1800s dictionary, featuring words exclusively used in the 19th century. To help you understand these historical terms better, we have integrated a new definition function into Chattergeist Touch. Simply tap on any unfamiliar word, and scan the generated QR Code to instantly search for the words definition!

Exciting New Affiliates Program
We are also thrilled to introduce our new affiliates program! While we are currently running this on an exclusive trial basis with CharmCityParanormal, we have plans to expand it in the future so you will be able to join our affiliates program to earn money while spreading the word about the ground breaking Chattergeist Touch!

Not got a Chattergeist Touch, but you want one?! Head over to our shop and pre-order yours (with a FREE holographic sticker pack) today! We're hoping to fulfil pre-orders and take further orders this week!

Remember to sign up to the notifications emails to get the earliest information ASAP!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Production Run 2, Firmware Progress & Secret Things! - 21/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Production Run Two Greetings, esteemed readers! It is with great pleasure that we present some news and updates!

First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce production run number two, comprising of 50 shiny new Chattergeist Touch devices ready to hit the market! Currently, our team is diligently working on loading the firmware, printing certificates, and assigning unique model numbers to each device. Our goal is to ensure timely delivery to our valued pre-order customers while opening new orders by early next week!

Moreover, we have an exclusive surprise in store for all Chattergeist Touch orders moving forward. This secret addition will add a nice little extra touch to each order, we hope it's something you'll like!

Additionally, we are pleased to reveal our brand new collection of holographic stickers, thoughtfully designed for our pre-order customers and will be available for purchase in our online store. Keep an eye out for these adorable and delightful stickers!

On the software front, our dedicated developer has been diligently working on the v1.10 rollout, meticulously addressing all the necessary updates to enhance your experience. For our customers who already own a Chattergeist Touch, you will have the option to update to v1.10. For those who make a purchase after the v1.10 release, the devices will come preloaded with the latest firmware version!

Lastly, we are delighted to announce that we will be trialing our upcoming affiliates program that we've been diligently crafting behind the scenes. Whilst we cannot divulge all the details just yet, trust us when we say that it will be an amazing opportunity for our partners to collaborate with us in the future.

Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm for our products! Remember to sign up to the notifications emails to get the earliest information ASAP!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
๐Ÿ‘ 10

Pre-Orders, Stickers & Updates! - 17/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Stickers Hey you beautiful creatures! We're thrilled to announce some amazing news for Chattergeist Touch! Pre-orders are now open, and with every pre-order, you'll receive FREE holographic stickers as a token of our appreciation.

Our first firmware update, v1.10, introduces a lovely new function mode inspired by the Onvoy device! Ovilus, Hexcom, Spirit Box, Ouija, and Onvoy systems, all integrated into the Chattergeist Touch! We think you'll agree that investigating the paranormal has never been more convenient, as you save valuable carry space with this all-in-one solution. Our dedicated developer has worked hard to optimize the firmware, ensuring smooth performance and leaving room for even more exciting functionality in future updates.

In addition, we're curating a dictionary filled with words from the 1800s to add a vintage touch to your Chattergeist Touch with this alternate dictionary. While we explore the possibility of allowing users to add their own dictionaries as well.

On the website front, we've been busy creating a more user-friendly shop area and designing a new gallery of images and videos. Speaking of videos, we're crafting informative tutorials for our YouTube channel, guiding you through the device upgrade process and loading downloaded dictionaries from our official repository, as well as walkthroughs on how to use each mode and option!

We're also making headway with physical extensions for Chattergeist Touch. Our initial lineup includes a wearable wrist strap with a built-in battery, a spirit radio (Frank Box) that lets you scan radio stations through headphones or speakers, and a doorway sensor that triggers an alert when something passes through it. Though these extensions are still in the early stages of design, we're excited to share more updates as they happen!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
๐Ÿ‘ 9

Pre-Order Now and Secure Your Chattergeist Touch & Next Production Run Update! - 15/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Firstly, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all those who purchased a Chattergeist Touch from our initial production run. You are the true MVPs!

Within just 48 hours of our shop going live, we completely sold out of the first batch of Chattergeist Touch devices. This overwhelming response has left us in awe, and we sincerely thank each and every one of you who made a purchase or engaged with us on social media. Your support is truly amazing!

The first wave of Chattergeist Touch devices has been successfully shipped, and the second batch is already in progress. We anticipate that the next production run will take place within 2 to 3 weeks 10 days!, depending on the arrival of the printed circuit boards. We are even working on expediting the process with our suppliers, though we cannot make any guarantees at this time.

Pre-Orders are now live on the website! Our dedicated developer has tirelessly worked to bring you this feature, ensuring that those who desire a Chattergeist Touch can reserve one without the need for constant website monitoring. The pre-order system is conveniently located within the existing shop system, offering an identical process. The only difference is that your order confirmation email and status update will indicate "pre-order" instead of "processing." Don't forget to sign up for notification emails as well, allowing you to stay informed about the second production run, software updates, and news regarding physical plugin extensions for Chattergeist Touch.

What a wonderful launch, we are thrilled and immensely grateful for your support. Exciting developments lie ahead for Chattergeist Touch, and we couldn't have asked for a better start. Thank you all!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Post-Launch News! - 13/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Wow - What a crazy launch day we had yesterday! In just 24 hours since our shop went live, we have already sold an impressive 15 out of the 20 Chattergeist Touch devices from our exclusive initial production run.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our customers who have already placed their orders. With only 5 devices left in stock, we are thrilled to announce that production run number two is just around the corner, featuring a significantly larger inventory! Rest assured, we are working diligently & swiftly to ship all orders as soon as possible.

For those of you who have already ordered a Chattergeist Touch, we recommend staying subscribed to our notifications. By doing so (or subscribing if you haven't yet), you will receive regular email updates on new software releases. These updates bring exciting benefits, including enhanced features, improved performance, and the possibility of discovering hidden surprises!

We sincerely appreciate your continued interest and support. Rest assured, the future of Chattergeist Touch holds even more promise and innovation. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of paranormal investigation with us!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Today, Chattergeist Touch Launches! - 12/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Launch Day After over a year of development, Chattergeist Touch is finally available to the public! Be one of the first to experience the cutting-edge technology that will revolutionize the paranormal investigation scene.

Sign up for notifications and be the first to know when Chattergeist Touch is released. If you have signed up for notifications, you will receive an email when our shop goes live! With limited availability and high demand, our first production run of 20 devices is expected to sell out quickly. But donโ€™t worry, a larger secondary production run is on the way!

When we go live, our website menu will unlock the "Shop" and "Updates" buttons, allowing you to easily order your device. We use Stripe as our payment method, providing a secure and convenient way to handle your personal information and accept all major payment methods.

Not sure if Chattergeist Touch is right for you? Check out our device comparison to see how we stack up against the competition. With exciting future developments such as wrist-mounted battery packs, radar module extensions, and FREE firmware updates with new function modes and dictionaries, thereโ€™s never been a better time to join the Dimesion Devices community.

Donโ€™t miss out on this exciting opportunity - Sign up for notifications and be one of the first to experience Chattergeist Touch!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Polishing, Testing and Update Plans! - 08/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Glamour Shots Greetings everyone! We are thrilled to announce the imminent release of Chattergeist Touch, an exceptional piece of ghost hunting and paranormal investigation equipment. With its extensible and modular design, Chattergeist Touch offers an innovative alternative to the widely known Ovilus device.

Our dedicated developer has been meticulously adding the final touches to our online store, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for our customers.

In our commitment to providing a decent experience, we have revamped our subscriber emails to eliminate unnecessary clutter and deliver only the most relevant information! Furthermore, we have perfected the Update Tool, accompanied by a comprehensive instruction guide that explains how to effortlessly load firmware updates and alternate dictionaries onto your Chattergeist Touch.

On the Chattergeist Touch firmware programming front, we are delighted to share that everything is now complete! We are currently testing each section of the device to ensure its stability before the official release. As our developer continues to fine-tune and refine the system, we will regularly roll out firmware updates to enhance functionality and performance.

To stay informed about these exciting updates, be sure to visit our website's news page, and don't forget to subscribe to our email notifications. By purchasing a Chattergeist Touch and staying subscribed to our notification emails, you'll guarantee yourself access to the latest firmware releases and keep up to date!

We have an array of very interesting software updates in the pipeline, including THREE new function modes, performance adjustments, and improved Bluetooth functionality. Stay tuned for more announcements on our website and in your inbox!

We have also added a "Friends" section to the links in the footer because we think community is important! Let's build a nice paranormal community that isn't at odds with each other!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & stay tuned for a release date!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Official Certificates, Holograms and Pre-Production Progress! - 04/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Official Certificate With every purchase of the Chattergeist Touch, you will receive an Official Certificate, adding an extra layer of assurance and value. These certificates are personalized with your name and feature the unique model number of your device. We have also included a verification code, ensuring that your device is 100% genuine and not a clone!

In our ongoing efforts to enhance the authenticity and security of our devices, we have decided to incorporate holographic model numbers on each Chattergeist Touch. These holographic model numbers are also present on your Official Certificate, making it significantly more challenging for anyone to clone our devices. Trust in the genuine quality and protect your investment with our cutting-edge anti-clone security.

We are thrilled to announce that our Chattergeist Touch is approaching the final stages of its pre-production testing phase. Although we are diligently ironing out a few minor bugs in the firmware code, we are almost ready to make the device available for sale. To ensure you don't miss out on our limited production run, sign up for a notification to be among the first to secure your very own Chattergeist Touch. Stay tuned for the grand unveiling!

At Dimension Devices, we are continuously pushing boundaries to bring you innovative products. Currently, our dedicated team is working on the design of official physical extensions for the Chattergeist Touch. Exciting developments include a wearable wrist strap and a battery pack that seamlessly transform your Chattergeist Touch into a paranormal investigation touchscreen "watch". We are making great progress and eagerly anticipate sharing more details with you soon. Brace yourself for the extraordinary!

Based on the overwhelmingly positive response we have received across our various social media platforms, we have made the decision to ramp up production for our next run. We are thrilled to announce that the next production run will be significantly larger than our limited release. Remember our devices are leagues above the competition!! The future is beckoning!

Stay Connected and Stay Informed about Dimension Devices: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & thank you for your continued support!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
๐Ÿ‘ 9

Website Security, Braided USB-C Cables, and More!! - 02/07/2023

Chattergeist Touch Devices with USB-C Braided Cable What an eventful few days it has been at Dimension Devices! While our team continues the final development phase of our groundbreaking product Chattergeist Touch, we encountered an unexpected challenge - Our website faced an attempted takedown through a denial of service attack (DDOS) by unknown individuals (or a group). However, we swiftly resolved the issue by implementing CloudFlare Anti-DDOS protection on our hosting platform. Despite uncertainties about the attackers' identities, it seems someone is not thrilled about the development of Chattergeist Touch (or perhaps, more accurately... It's price point)!

Amidst these extraordinary events, we received our initial shipment of USB-C power cables meant to accompany each Chattergeist Touch unit. Unfortunately, we found that they were not up to our quality standards and not fit for purpose. To ensure the best user experience, we have taken the necessary steps to reorder better-suited cables with robust connections. Rest assured, the new cables will still feature a premium braided design. In fact, we've decided to go the extra mile and include braided cables with all future Chattergeist Touch units sold! This tiny setback will not affect the release date.

As we progress with the development, we are meticulously fine-tuning the product to ensure flawless functionality. Our dedicated developer is working on custom word lists, tidying up the final pieces of functionality and conducting rigorous software update testing. Simultaneously, our website is receiving significant attention. We are incorporating Stripe payment processing and creating a bespoke shop to provide our customers with a seamless shopping experience. Initially, we considered selling our devices on Etsy, but due to exorbitant fees (~20% and rising), we have opted to develop our own on-site shop.

This strategic move substantially reduces costs, enabling us to offer our innovative devices to the public at a more affordable price. A decision we believe you'll find worthwhile! To be among the first to get a Chattergeist Touch, head over to our devices page and sign up for a notification when we launch our shop!

Stay tuned by tuning into our socials: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & thank you for your continued support!! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
๐Ÿ‘ 9

We've extended the first production run for Chattergeist Touch! - 29/06/2023

Chattergeist Touch Devices In response to overwhelming global support, we are thrilled to announce that we are doubling our initial production run from 10 to 20 devices. While this may still be a limited release, rest assured that our upcoming production runs will be significantly larger, satisfying the growing demand. The first 10 devices sold will come with a limited USB-C braided power cable!

We are delighted by the immense enthusiasm shown by paranormal investigators worldwide for Chattergeist Touch. Join us in proving that sophisticated, high-quality devices can offer enhanced functionality at a more affordable price point!

In addition to this exciting news, we are proud to unveil our latest development: "Specific Dictionaries". These invaluable resources will be available for free and can be uploaded directly to your Chattergeist Touch device. Tailored to specific historical eras, such as the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s, these dictionaries ensure accurate and contextually appropriate communication during investigations. Wave goodbye to anachronistic language barriers when engaging with spirits from the past!

Moreover, we have begun the design phase for a Chattergeist Touch accessory; the "wearable battery pack". This innovative solution enables users to wear their Chattergeist Touch device like a wristwatch, granting them hands-free communication capabilities. Say hello to convenience and enhanced mobility during your paranormal explorations!

Exciting possibilities are on the horizon for Chattergeist Touch, including the development of official extensions. Here are some features currently under discussion within our team:

Human/Spirit Presence Radar
Gain valuable insights into the surrounding spiritual energy, providing a way to detect both human and non-human presence in real-time using high-quality 24Ghz radar components that works through walls!

Laser trip wire
Enhance your detection capabilities, alerting investigators to any disruptions.

Catball functionality
Bringing the much-loved catball into the next generation of tools, giving you feedback, graphs and logging capabilities.

While it's still very early in the development process, we anticipate incredible advancements in the near future. Don't miss out on the latest updates, sign up for notifications today to stay informed and to be one of the first to experience the Chattergeist Touch!

Get involved with our socials and give us ideas/suggestions: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & thank you for the support! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Chattergeist Touch Offical Certificate and Verification! - 27/06/2023

Chattergeist Touch Certificate At Dimension Devices, we understand the prevalence of counterfeit and unofficial products in the paranormal investigation equipment market. That's why we have taken rigorous measures to ensure that every purchase of Chattergeist Touch is guaranteed to be "official".

With each Chattergeist Touch device, you will receive an official certificate containing a unique verification code and model number. Visit our devices page and simply click on the Verify link in the main navigation menu then enter your verification code. A valid code will authenticate your device with its corresponding model number.

To further enhance security, we have implemented some protocols in our device update procedure, allowing only officially recognized devices to be used with the update tool. This significantly reduces the risk of fake Chattergeist Touch devices flooding the market. Remember, we are the genuine article - accept no substitutes! :)

In other exciting news, we are in the final stages of preparing the first 10 devices for purchase. To secure one of these exclusive devices, act quickly as they will be sold on a "first come, first served" basis. Sign up for notifications to be among the first to know when they become available!

Chattergeist Touch devices will be conveniently sold directly through our website. Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of making them accessible on Etsy. However, it's important to note that due to the high fees associated with Etsy (20%!), buyers may incur a premium cost.

Why not let us know your thoughts on any of our socials: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting & Peace and love! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Chattergeist Touch Languages and Dictionaries! - 25/06/2023

Chattergeist Touch Screenshots We are thrilled to announce that our development team has made significant progress, ensuring a seamless user experience when you're out in the field! In addition to streamlining user experience and fixing any potential areas for bugs, we have enhanced the functionality of Chattergeist Touch (an alternative to other ITC devices).

One notable feature is the ability for users to upload official dictionaries (word lists) to the device using our "on site" Update Tool! This allows paranormal investigators to expand communication possibilities. Dimension Devices understands the importance of language diversity. That's why we are providing users with a range of official dictionaries to choose from completely FREE. Our initial offering includes dictionaries for English, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian. But that's not all! We have exciting plans to introduce more dictionaries and word lists in the future, tailored to specific historical eras. All dictionaries and updates will be available through the official Dimension Devices File Repository.

Imagine investigating a haunted 1700s building and being able to preload Chattergeist Touch with the corresponding 1700s dictionary. This ensures authentic and accurate communication with spirits from that time period.

We are delighted to announce that the first production run of 10 Chattergeist Touch units is just around the corner. Within two weeks, Dimension Devices aims to take orders for these highly anticipated devices. To ensure you don't miss out on securing a Chattergeist Touch from this initial production run, sign up for notifications about the availability of these devices.

Once the first 10 units are sold, we will be launching another production run to meet demand. As an added bonus, devices will come with a verifiable certificate and the first 10 devices will contain an exclusive coupon code, providing a discount for future orders.

In the meantime, why not join us on this amazing ghost-hunting journey on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook!

Happy hunting! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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Flagship Product Launching Soon! - 17/06/2023

Chattergeist Touch Base Unit Welcome one and all! Get ready for the highly anticipated debut of our flagship product, the Chattergeist Touch. This groundbreaking device serves as a remarkable alternative to the Ovilus, Polterscript & Hexcom devices commonly used by paranormal investigators.

We are thrilled to announce that we are currently in the final stages of production and testing. Soon, we will be offering a very limited run of the first release of the Chattergeist Touch. To learn more about acquiring your very own Chattergeist Touch Base Unit for communicating with dimensional entities, simply visit our Devices page. Don't miss out on this opportunity as our initial stock will be limited.

Sign up for Notifications to stay updated on the release of the Chattergeist Touch, and be sure to act swiftly the first product run will be limited!

Wishing you a successful and thrilling hunting experience! ๐Ÿ‘ป

~ The Dimension Devices Team
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